Persoane de contact:
Strada Silvestru 89, sector 2 ()
Revizuire aleatorie
Citiți toate recenziileIt's all about the great quality of the room we solved and the good locaion. The scenery reflects the theme and overall we had a great time.
Eugen Z
Compania: EXITROOM
Strada Silvestru 89, sector 2 ()
It's all about the great quality of the room we solved and the good locaion. The scenery reflects the theme and overall we had a great time.
Eugen Z
Thank you EXIT ROOM for hosting us for 2 hours of fun and joy. Its been a pleasure to find the key and exit the room. Exit Room games are the best in town.
Oxus O
We've heard about escape rooms and it sounded very exiting to go in a room with door closed and to get out you have 1 hour to get out of there! So, with my family we went to "exitroom" and we had 1 hour of real fun: puzzles and riddles, where is the code ? Try that box! Is there...
It's all about the great quality of the room we solved and the good locaion. The scenery reflects the theme and overall we had a great time.
Eugen Z
Camerele de evadare iau România cu asalt! Scopul jocului este de a găsi o cale de ieșire dintr-o cameră încuiată în limita de timp stabilită. Lucrați în echipă pentru a rezolva puzzle-uri logice, a descoperi indicii și a urmări povestea pentru a desluși misterul. Fiecare ghicitoare vă aduce cu un pas mai aproape de evadarea finală! Jocurile de tip escape room sunt ideale pentru o ieșire în oraș cu prietenii, o întâlnire, o aniversare sau o activitate de team-building în România.
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